[ Read ] An ESPN Article About Mental Health in the NBA

(Link to the full article here)

(Link to the full article here)

I am the last person to know anything going on in the sports world, let alone what’s going on in ESPN. A friend passed this article along to me because he was aware of my open efforts to learn more about mental health in any sphere, and how I hope to bring it to a larger conversation.

If you haven’t read Kevin Love’s article, “Everyone Is Going Through Something”, sharing his personal diction of struggling with his own mental health, it’s definitely a good start to understanding how even high-profile athletes struggle to maintain a balanced mind, especially in the limelight of society and media. As sports fanatics, we tend to get caught up in the adrenaline and the competition, but oftentimes forget that athletes are humans too, who aren’t immune to the daily taunts and scrutiny of their public careers. Instead, they internalize it in order to sustain their outward image if it means it’s for the love of the sport.

This article really opened my eyes at how struggling with mental health issues isn’t discriminatory or specifically bounded. It can affect anyone and everyone, further embellishing the fact that in the end, we are all humans trying to make it through.

(Link to the full article here)