NYFW | Look 2

Scapes NY

top // NastyGal pants // H&M jacket // Asos shoes

If NYFW isn't an excuse for you to test the limits when playing dress up, then you're doing it wrong. One of my favorite things about preparing for a wild week of street style free-for-all is the challenge I can bring upon myself with creativity and really see how far I can go with my personal style. The majority of my everyday looks are whatever I can throw on in the mornings with a half-awake mind (and then some outfits actually work every now and then). But during NYFW, it's my fun little game where rules are broken and anything can work. And the win? Killing the street style game with photographers asking to take photos of your outfit. 

Lynn (

Neckbreakin' Style

) and I have learned that coordinating outfits brings a stronger impact when trying to stand out during NYFW. While we stick to a specific theme or color palette, our personal styles are never compromised, and that's the beauty of it. Because no matter how we choose to coordinate that day we still stay true to our definitive styles, which end up complimenting each other in the most perfectly contrasted way. I mean, who doesn't stop and stare when they see two girls all decked out in salmon pink strutting down the sidewalk runway?

P.S. Can we just take a moment to applause the fact that we were smart enough to wear comfortable shoes for at least one of our NYFW days? My feet are still thanking me for it.

Photography by
