[ Costa Rica ] Strange(nest)

"the center doesn’t contain me. (anymore)

i trust the impermanence of strangeness."

Zara top // thrifted skirt // Mango sandals

There comes a time when you hit a wall of numbness. An immunity to what is comfortable and what has become real in your life. And you float on with each passing day, not thinking, not observing, not absorbing--just trailing forward waiting to get to the next day. You'd think familiarity is the key to being yourself since you're comfortable enough to reveal your true skin, when in fact, it's stripping you of being in tune with the light within your soul as it fades synonymously with your growing meekness. There comes a point where life is too usual that you forget to even live because it's become mindlessly and easily routine. 

I trust the impermanence of strangeness. Of breaking up my all-too familiar life with spontaneous moments of rawness and the new. I seek adventure in feeling lost amongst an unknown perspective and take pride in being small within a massive foreign wonder. Because it's not only so I can explore beyond and open up my mind, but also so I can come home and recognize the level of comfortability I've built in order to live the way I've wanted. To reconnect with my natural place of home without losing sight of what it has become in the midst of mundaneness. While I live for times where I can take off in exotic seas and breathe in strange air, I also do it to look back at my center and appreciate its existence from a distance. I've learned that I can truly learn myself when I've wandered in a place of uncomfortableness and am more conscious of my physical, mental, and emotional being. They speak louder to my sense of self when I have nothing else to instinctively trust amongst unusual sights. This is my life transpiring parallely--rebuilding the connection with my center while discovering new places to attach myself to.

I travel because I can find a piece of my soul at home but also leave a bit of my heart in strange nests.