Black Subtleties

Corset (mom's hand-me-down), skirt (PacSun), blazer (thrifted), sandals (Target), earrings (flea market)
Photography by my sister
Edited by me

GUESS WHAT?! It's the day before my 21st! And you know what the best present would be? Sharing this blog and following and liking and commenting! I'm still trying to gain some exposure and it would be great if I could get all the help I can :)
So the perks of having a mom who performs on stage: great hand-me-downs. My mom always performs at Vietnamese events as a singer or MC and part of that requires stage clothing. So her closet consists of gaudy, showy, costume-y clothes and sometimes she goes overboard with the shopping and ends up having more than she really needs (who doesn't, anyways). Every now and then I'll search the pile of unwanted pieces and sometimes find pieces I'll actually like. It's always good to search through your mom, aunt, or grandma's old clothes because you'll be surprised to find that you can always put an updated twist to old pieces, especially since trends tend to recycle through generations. It's like thrift shopping without the spending. My search included this black corset. What I liked about it is the subtle floral pattern that makes it look more than just a black top. And with pattern, might as well add more, right? So I paired it with a simple, high waisted, pocketed skirt and threw on a dark gray wool blazer for more texture while keeping the colors simple. A little girly with dark tones.

Yay for home hunting!

Party hardy,
Mai Sunshine

Style tip: With one-colored patterns, it's okay to add another pattern as long as the colors don't clash